XML-Gallery WordPress plugin

XML-Galley is a simple and efficient plugin to use a xml gallery. You can use this with flash movies that needs xml files to load anything or to show the cadastred items.

To show the items in your blog without flash movies the XML-Gallery have a native function to do this.

How to use the XML-Gallery plugin without a flash movie to load this

The XML-Gallery plugin have a native function to load and show the gallery. To use this is so easy look:

if(function_exists('xml_gallery_theme')) {


if(function_exists('xml_gallery_theme')) {
xml_gallery_theme("<li class=\"itenGallery\">","</li>");

Visit the XML-Gallery WordPress extend page: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/xml-gallery/

  1. #1 by bubul on June 3, 2010 - 9:01 pm

    usefull and simple. it’s works great !!!
    thanks a lot !

  2. #2 by Richard Cotrina on July 13, 2010 - 8:37 pm

    This is a Excelent Plugin… but i need something more especial 😀 hehe

    I need the “File” Input be in “text” format like the others… and the compatibility with WP3.0

    can i help you?

  3. #3 by lobe on October 11, 2010 - 11:26 pm

    I cannot delete listed items. I´m getting this error message:
    “Fail while trying deleting the file: /wp-content/xml-gallery/, please try again.”
    i made a clean install using WordPress 3.0.1 and i only added your plugin.

    Any ideas? thank you =)

  4. #4 by brunotnteixeira on October 12, 2010 - 2:41 pm

    Hello lobe,

    I think the problem is that the image is no longer on the server. In the error being returned, not being passed the image name.

    There must have been a problem registering the image. Check for write permission on the FTP.

    Bruno Neves

  1. joomla

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